Noch bis zum 15. Januar können für die im April an der Claremond Graduate University in Kalifornien stattfindende Konferenz "Politics and Unrest" Vortragsvorschläge eingereicht werden:
The Graduate Student History Association of Claremont Graduate University is pleased to announce its fourth annual spring conference: “The Politics of Unrest: A Transdisciplinary Conference.”
This conference will explore both political protests and nonviolent resistance in countries and cultures around the world. States have used political violence to intimidate and maintain authority, while protestors have resorted to rebellions, terrorism or sit-ins to demand changes in policy, regime, or political structure. Coverage of recent political uprisings, such as Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring movements, is prominent in the news media and signals the ongoing importance of this topic. While this conference assumes a historical vantage point for understanding the ongoing role of unrest in society, we welcome papers from multiple disciplinary perspectives on a wide-range of topics including but are not limited to: the interrelationship(s) between political change, violence, non-violence, the state, theory, terrorism, civil rights movements, genocide, the media, and memory.
The conference will be held on the campus of Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California, between April 13-14, 2012. Proposals for papers should be made in the form of abstracts of no more than 250 words and submitted to gsha@cgu.edu by Sunday, January 15, 2012.
Graduate Student History Association
Claremont Graduate University
Claremont, CA
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